Feb. 12
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom

Resume & LinkedIn Workshop

Industrial mentors provide tips for presenting your MDP experience on your resume and LinkedIn. (Note the focus is on the MDP portion of your resume. There will not be time to address your complete resume)

Appointments (Register Here) for short 1:1 coaching sessions with industrial mentors from MDP Partner Sponsored organizations.


Drop in to the MDP Zoom for live advice on how to best communicate your MDP experience on your resume and on LinkedIn.

There will be general guidelines/questions in the public sessions and an opportunity for short 1:1 advising with industrial managers in breakout rooms.

You must bring an electronic copy of your resume in an editable format for review, and have your LinkedIn profile updated if you want help with that as well. Be prepared to be on camera and to share your screen.