Computer Science – Engineering MDE (Major Design Experience) on an MDP Project

Computer Science students participating on pre-approved MDP sponsored projects are eligible to earn both Flex Tech and MDE credit.


(1)  Project must be CS-related and pre-approved by CS-ENG Chief Program Advisor (click here to see all projects pre-approved for CS MDE).
(2)  Students must have completed EECS 281 & TCHNCLCM 300 prior to the start of their MDP project. This means students may be currently enrolled in these courses the fall they are applying to MDP, and will still be eligible for the CS-specific roles on MDP projects.
(Students who have not yet completed TCHNCLCM 300 will enroll in that course during the first/winter semester of their MDP project.)
(3)  Both semesters of MDP must be successfully completed to receive credit toward the CS degree requirements.
(4)  Students must enroll in Prof. Jeff Ringenberg’s section of ENGR 455 during both semesters on the project (section 400 in winter semester, section 404 in Fall semester).
(5)  Notes regarding Flex Tech credit:

  • Flex Tech is earned during the first semester of the project/section 400 only.
  • This credit falls under Directed / Independent Study and Research: only 4 hours of directed/independent study or research courses (total across all departments, i.e. EECS, IOE, Civil, etc.) can count toward technical electives.
  • Please note: the CS-E program makes a distinction between Upper Level CS courses and Flexible Technical Electives.

(6)  Notes regarding the MDE requirement:

  • Must have completed any general departmental pre-requisites for MDEs (see above)
  • MDE credit is earned during the second semester of the project/section 404 only.
    • TCHNCLCM 497 must be taken during one of the 2 semesters of the MDP project in order of the project to earn MDE credit (EECS 496 is required for the CS program but not required to be taken during the MDE).
    • Students who have not yet completed TCHNCLCM 300 prior to the beginning of the MDP project will enroll in TCHNCLCM 300 for the first/winter semester of the project and TCHNCLCM 497 during the second/fall semester of the project.


Enrollment Plan: CS-ENGR students earning MDE credit on an MDP Project

Winter Semester Fall Semester

ENGR 455, Section 400 (4 credit hours)
Lecture with Prof. Jeff Ringenberg

  • this class contains a required lecture and group project work
  • this semester counts as CS Flex Tech

ENGR 455, Section 404 (4 credit hours)
Lecture with Prof. Jeff Ringenberg

  • this class contains a required lecture and group project work
  • this semester counts as CS MDE
+ Required, 2-hour weekly meeting with your team’s faculty mentor (scheduled after teams are chosen) + Required, 2-hour weekly meeting with your team’s faculty mentor (scheduled after teams are chosen)
During the year of the project, students must also enroll in:
* 2 Credit Hours of TCHNCLCM497
* course can be taken either semester

Click here to see all projects pre-approved for CS-ENGR MDE (Major Design Experience) substitution.