Earn the Minor in Multidisciplinary Design through 4 key experiences:
1) Intro Design, Build Test Experience (2 – 4 credits)
- The following courses have most commonly been used to fulfill the DBT (Design, Build, Test) Experience:
- ENGR 100 (DBT sections only)
- ENGR 255/355/455
- BME 350
- EECS 183
- ME 250
- ARTDES 120 or 130
- The DBT requirement can be fulfilled through an additional semester on your multi-term project team.
- Other approved courses on an individual basis.
2) Multi-Term Design Project (7+ credits)
- This is the foundation of the minor in Multidisciplinary Design.
- Connect with a project through student organizations; apply for corporate sponsored projects and FRST research labs at the MDP Project Opportunity Fair in October.
- Earned at 300-level or higher across 2 or more terms to count toward the MDP minor.
- Most common curricularization option: ENGR 355/455.
- Other approved courses or projects on an individual basis.
3) Connections Course (3 – 4 credits)
- Broadens your knowledge and your work on the Multi-Term Design Project.
- Courses outside of your major (or, better yet, outside your college!) highly encouraged (core courses in your major are not eligible).
- Student have earned Connections Course credit through classes in LSA, SI, Ross, and more!
4) Mentorship/Leadership Course (2 credits)
- Enrollment through ENGR 456 only.
- Complete simultaneous design team mentoring experience.
- All Engineering undergraduate students are eligible for the MDP minor.
- Others include Art & Design, LSA, Public Health. Ross, SI, SMTD, and more.
- Students must be currently enrolled in or have previously earned academic credit on a Multi-Term Design Project.
Declare the Minor in Multidisciplinary Design
- Be in good academic standing based on an earned U-M GPA (minimum 2.0).
- Students must be currently enrolled in or have previously earned academic credit on a Multi-Term Design Project.
- Ready to to declare the Minor in Multidisciplinary Design? Schedule an appointment with an MDP Academic Advisor.