Mentor a Faculty Research Team
Engage Students in Faculty Research with Free MDP Support
The Multidisciplinary Design Program’s Faculty Research Project Teams unite undergraduate and master’s level engaged learning with faculty research. Using MDP’s team formation support, recruiting and infrastructure frees faculty to focus more on the direction of the research than the project-level, day-to-day delivery.
To learn more, please contact the MDP Progam Manager Ellen Solomon, Ph.D., P.E., at to discuss.
Support for Grant Applications
MDP Faculty Research Teams can be used to fulfill educational outreach requirements for many undergraduate and graduate students for many types of grants (e.g NSF, NIH, and foundational grants).
MDP infrastructure includes:
- Established undergraduate educational program
- Curricular Structure and Academic Advising
- Program manager Ellen Solomon
- Professional practice coaching and workshop
- Student recruitment processes
- Summer Research Funding Stipends
We can support your grant proposals with developed framework materials tailored to the requirements of your particular grant. MDP welcomes your partnership.
Please contact the MDP Progam Manager Ellen Solomon, Ph.D., P.E., at to discuss.