Click Here to Download the Experience & Interest Form! (umich credentials required)

For each project you apply to, you will need to complete a separate Experience & Interest Form. In order to fill it out, you will need to first save a copy of this form (click “File > Make a Copy” which will save it on your local Google Drive). Be sure to review the project descriptions, identify which desired qualifications apply to you, and be sure to include those in your application!

You will need to answer 2 questions for each project:

  1. Describe the experience and skills that make you a good candidate for this project.
  2. Why are you interested in this project/field/industry?

You will then save each form as an individual PDF and upload into your application.

What should I include on this form?

    • Students should treat this a bit like a cover letter for a job and share the specific skills and experience that they can bring to the project. Focus more on what you can do for the sponsor, and less on what a great opportunity it would be for your development.
    • If you spoke with a mentor at the project fair, this is a great place to mention that conversation. “I became even more interested in this project after talking to Jenn at the project fair about her ideas on how this project could really help the business thrive.” (be as specific as possible)

I am applying to 5 projects. How many forms do I need to complete? 

      • Five! You will need to complete a separate form for each project you apply for.

View example Experience & Interest Forms.