Industrial Operations Engineering Senior Design Credit on an MDP Project

1. IOE senior undergraduate students on pre-approved MDP Projects are eligible to earn Senior Design substitution on MDP projects.

(1) Project must contain significant IOE content.

(2) Project must involve teamwork.

(3) Project must have a real-world client.

2. Students must enroll in 4 credit hours of ENGR 455 in the fall/second semester of the project to receive MDE credit.

3. Students must have senior standing and have completed all prerequisites* for IOE Senior Design, prior to the semester that they receive substitution credit.
*prerequisites: IOE 310, IOE 316, IOE 333, IOE 366, IOE 373 and TCHNCLCM 380 (minimum grade of C- required for all prerequisite courses); senior standing.

4. Students must complete the Tech Comm components within the IOE Senior Design courses. Tech Comm lecture attendance occurs during the fall/second semester of the project.


Enrollment Plan: IOE Students earning Senior Design credit on an MDP Project

Winter Semester Fall Semester
ENGR x55 (3 credit hours) ENGR 455 (4 credit hours)
+ Tech Comm assignments (zero credits)

Click here to see all projects pre-approved for IOE Senior Design substitution.