Multilegged Robots and Animal Motion-22

Multilegged Robots and Animal Motion-22

Back to Search OverviewStudent RolesFacultyMore Information The Multilegged Robots and Animal Motion (Mu-RoAM) team applies core principles of animal locomotion and distills their mathematical principles, and applies them to create advanced robot technology. The...
SIM: Real-Time and Virtual Driving Simulator-22

SIM: Real-Time and Virtual Driving Simulator-22

Back to Search OverviewStudent RolesFacultyMore Information Motor vehicles must be safe and easy to use. Assessments are performed both in real vehicles and in driving simulators. However, many driving simulators are too expensive to purchase, too complex to use, take...
Adaptive Design-22

Adaptive Design-22

Back to Search OverviewStudent RolesFacultyMore Information The success of many engineered systems is dependent on the extent to which they accommodate the needs of users.  When safety is a critical consideration, computational human models are used to ensure optimal...


Back to Search OverviewStudent RolesFacultyMore Information The Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) analyzes “Big Data,” which are very large, heterogeneous, time-varying, multisource, and incomplete datasets that are difficult to interpret and model in...