Megan Langille
Megan Langille is the Senior Academic Advisor for all 950+ students involved in the Multidisciplinary Design Program. In her role, Megan supports current and potential MDP students on curriculum planning and course selection through their involvement on 75 separate project teams. Megan works closely with advisors across campus on student enrollment requirements, as MDP students represent 12 schools and colleges across the University. She also administers the Minor in Multidisciplinary Design and co-teaches ENGR 456: Mentorship/Leadership in Multidisciplinary Design. Megan is a Certified Practitioner in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is available to provide team development and coaching to MDP teams and interested student organizations.
Before joining MDP, Megan spent four years as a Residence Hall Director and Adelia Cheever Theme Program manager with University Housing at the University of Michigan. She is the MDP “student affairs expert” and is focused on developing students holistically throughout their professional design experiences. Megan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Hope College and a Master’s in Higher Education/Student Affairs Administration from Michigan State University.
Schedule an advising appointment with Megan here.