Industrial Operations Graduate Credit on an MDP Project

1. IOE Master’s students may participate on any MDP project and earn 4 credits of 400-level cognate.

2. This is 2-semester required course; and is “Y” graded for the first term. The letter grade earned in December will count for all credit hours for the year.


Enrollment Plan: IOE students earning Directed Study credit on an MDP Project

Winter Semester Fall Semester
ENGR 599 (2 credit hours) ENGR 599 (2 credit hours)

Click here to see all projects with roles for Industrial Operations Engineering students.

If students wish to utilize IOE 590 for 3 credits, then:

(1) The MDP project must be pre-approved by the IOE department.

(2) Students are required to have an IOE co-advisor (if the MDP faculty mentor is not from IOE).

(3) Following the standard IOE 590 requirements, students must submit a one-page proposal describing the project and the project deliverables. The IOE faculty member must sign-off on this document before the student may register.

(4) Students will enroll in 1 credit of ENGR 599 in the Winter Semester and 3 credits of IOE 590 in the following Fall Semesters.


Winter Semester Fall Semester
ENGR 599 (1 credit hour) IOE 590 (3 credit hours)

Click here to see all projects pre-approved for Industrial Operations Engineering students.