Computer Science – LSA Capstone on an MDP Project

Computer Science students participating on pre-approved MDP sponsored projects are eligible to earn Capstone credit.

(1)  Project must be CS-related and pre-approved by CS-LSA Chief Program Advisor (click here to see all projects pre-approved for CS Capstone).

(2)  Students must have completed EECS 281 prior to the start of their MDP project. This means students may be currently enrolled in EECS 281 the fall they are applying to MDP, and will still be eligible for the CS-specific roles on MDP projects.

(3)  Both semesters of MDP must be successfully completed to receive Capstone credit.


Enrollment Plan: CS-LSA students earning Capstone credit on an MDP Project

Winter Semester Fall Semester

ENGR 455, Section 400 (4 credit hours)
Lecture with Prof. Jeff Ringenberg

  • this class contains a required lecture and group project work
  • this semester counts as a Non-LSA Course

ENGR 455, Section 404 (4 credit hours)
Lecture with Prof. Jeff Ringenberg

  • this class contains a required lecture and group project work
  • this semester counts as CS Capstone
+ Required, 2-hour weekly meeting with your team’s faculty mentor (scheduled after teams are chosen) + Required, 2-hour weekly meeting with your team’s faculty mentor (scheduled after teams are chosen)

Click here to see all projects pre-approved for CS-LSA Capstone substitution.